Wednesday 2 December 2009

PR and Twitter

I've been a huge fan of Twitter since the minute I joined it. Now, I use it way more than Facebook. Twitter is a fantastic online tool for people or businesses in any situation, when looking for a job/employees/internship, advice, promoting products and services, networking, etc.

As a passionate PR student I've been searching information on HOW TO DO PR EFFICIENTLY all accros the Internet. The number of people who have a PR blog is large, the number of good blogs about PR is much smaller. Brian Solis is one of the best-known PR people in the Tech industry. He is really influential, therefore people are always interested in what he likes and what he hates.

I've come across 2 great videos "PR in the age of Twitter" Part 1 and Part 2. Brian Solis talks to a media guy scobleizer about Twitter and how to use it for PR. It is quite a good try, but it goes a bit on and on and on..great discussion though.

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