Friday 9 October 2009

Search for a Grad Job Position in PR Starts Right Now

I have noticed that some great and very desirable to work for communications organisations and companies are receiving application for the Graduate Scheme for the year 2010 already. The WPP has a deadline for the Fellowship Programme 2010 on the 17th November for instance! That is really early! I suppose they want to find the right candidates who will spend the time working for them in different positions, possibly across the world. I have to start working on my PR portfolio ASAP so I will have time to submit a presentable and worth the time to read application.

WPP Group is one of the organisations I would love to work for once I graduate. There is still so much to discover in PR and Communications in general and being accepted into the fellowship programme would mean a lot to me. I feel like I have so much to offer and I am not frightened to fight for what I deserve. I really don’t want to end up as some real estate receptionist or anything similar. I am a naturally committed person who loves PR and doesn’t let anyone down. I even hate to be late.

Due to the fact that I am 24 already, I think I have a clearer idea of what I want to achieve in my life. I want to prove to myself, that I am capable of delivering a fantastic job and being rewarded financially. Having an internship is a great experience but it doesn’t pay anything for all the time spent working really hard. I need to see some results and in return some appreciation.

I know I have what it takes but unfortunately it is not enough. Over the next two weeks I will have to undertake a huge research into the deadlines as well as update my CV. I want to be original and I have some creative ideas that I want to do before I apply. I know that it means lot of extra work, alongside Uni stuff and so on, but it is a key to attract attention and win my interview. My PR portfolio is going to be simply awesome!

Well, I should better start right now!

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